Event Details

include( ‘/home/taxiamig/public_html/m/conexion/conexion.php’);
$idevento = $_REQUEST[‘evento’];
$sql = ” select * from event e left join unit u on e.unitid = u.unitid, user s where e.eventid = $idevento and e.userid = s.userid”;
// echo “
” . $sql;
$rsConsulta = @mysql_query($sql, $conexion);
if (!$rsConsulta) {
} else {
$totConsulta = mysql_num_rows($rsConsulta);
if ($totConsulta > 0) {
$arrConsulta = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsConsulta);
$name = $arrConsulta[‘name’];
$placa = $arrConsulta[‘placa’];
$lat[0] = $arrConsulta[‘checkinlat’];
$lat[1] = $arrConsulta[‘checkoutlat’];
$long[0] = $arrConsulta[‘checkinlong’];
$long[1] = $arrConsulta[‘checkoutlong’];
if ($lat[0])
$geopos0 = “true”;
else {
$geopos0 = “false”;
$lat[0] = “0”;
$long[0] = “0”;
if ($lat[1])
$geopos1 = “true”;
else {
$geopos1 = “false”;
$lat[1] = “0”;
$long[1] = “0”;
$img[0] = “green-dot.png”;
$img[1] = “blue-dot.png”;
$variable = “Inicio : ” . $arrConsulta[‘checkintime’];
$etiqueta[0] = $variable;
$variable = “Fin : ” . $arrConsulta[‘checkouttime’];
$etiqueta[1] = $variable;
$sql = ” select * from location where eventid = $idevento”;
//echo “
” . $sql;
$rsPuntos = @mysql_query($sql, $conexion);
if ($rsPuntos) {
$totPuntos = mysql_num_rows($rsPuntos);
while($arrPuntos = mysql_fetch_array($rsPuntos)){
$p_lati[$iP] = $arrPuntos[‘latitud’];
$p_long[$iP] = $arrPuntos[‘longitud’];

echo "

El usuario " . $name . " ha tomado el taxi de placas " . $placa . ".

foreach($etiqueta as $ind => $valor){
if (($lat[$ind]) && ($long[$ind])){
$etiqueta = "etiqueta" . $ind;
echo "

echo "";
echo $valor;
echo "

echo "


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